New Innovate UK Grant Funding Competitions
Innovate UK have recently launched a number of new funding competitions to help tackle industry challenges ranging from plastic packaging to R&D funding for smaller businesses.
A selection of the current funding competitions are outlined below, the full list can be found on the Innovate UK website.
If you are interested in applying for an Innovate UK grant and require assistance, please talk to our Business Ready team on 02476 323121 or email
ISCF smart sustainable plastic packaging: demonstrator projects, round 1
UK businesses can apply for a share of up to £12 million for practical demonstrator projects in smart and sustainable plastic packaging. This funding is from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
Competition opens: Monday 9th December 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 19th February 2020 12:00pm
SBRI: innovation in railway platform end and edge technology
Opportunity for businesses to apply for a share of £1.08 million, plus VAT, to develop solutions to detect and deter trespass at railway platform ends and edges.
Competition opens: Monday 2nd December 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 22nd January 2020 12:00pm
ATI programme: R&D funding for smaller business, expression of interest
UK companies can apply for a share of up to £8 million to carry out industry-led civil aerospace collaborative R&D projects.
Competition opens: Monday 25th November 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 15th January 2020 12:00pm
ISCF TFP science and technology into practise: feasibility studies
Apply for between £75,000 and £250,000 to test the feasibility of solutions that can transform food production and help the industry move towards net zero emissions by 2040. This funding is from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
Competition opens: Monday 18th November 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 26th February 2020 12:00pm
UK-Israel open collaborative R&D competition 2019
UK businesses can apply for a share of up to £1.5 million to develop innovative technologies targeting global markets in partnership with Israeli companies.
Competition opens: Monday 11th November 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 19th February 2020 12:00pm
Bilateral UK and US offshore wind R&D programme, Eol
Express an interest in applying for a share of up to £1.5 million from the bilateral Innovate UK and US national offshore wind programme to tackle 9 challenge areas.
Competition opens: Monday 4th November 2019
Competition closes: Wednesday 15th January 2020 12:00pm