UWSP launches new business support programme
A new support programme designed to help companies achieve their growth potential and take them to the next level, is now available to tech-based companies across Coventry and Warwickshire
The innovative Business Ready programme is being delivered by the University of Warwick Science Park as part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Warwickshire County Council.
Qualifying firms will receive advice and mentoring and access to key services that can help to unlock their growth potential and help the region’s economy to create more high-skilled jobs.
Eligible, ambitious companies with high growth potential will be offered tailored support, which may include market assessment, competitor analysis and an evaluation of their product, or access to finance including advice on potential funding routes.
Companies will have access to knowledge and skills development support through universities, specialist mentors and other partner organisations.
Janette Pallas, of the University of Warwick Science Park, said Business Ready built on the support services already offered by the Science Park.
She said: “Over many years, the Science Park has helped companies to establish themselves and grow either by being based here or making the most of the business support services we offer – or both.
“Because of that, the team here has built great experience and a myriad of contacts in helping businesses to reach their growth potential. Business Ready will be an extension of that and will help to grow the region’s economy and create new jobs.
“Barriers to growth usually come down to a lack of access – to finance, to knowledge, to skills and to markets. For some SMEs it can be one or all of those issues that’s affecting them and Business Ready will help them to overcome them and, therefore, grow more quickly.
“The programme will offer access to mentors whose experience will prove invaluable to those businesses who take part in Business Ready. There’s probably nothing our experts won’t have seen before so they will be able to offer the benefit of their experience and expertise to companies across the region.”
Cllr Izzi Seccombe, leader of Warwickshire County Council, said: “It’s vital that companies get access to the support they need and Business Ready is a great new programme for tech companies with high growth potential.
“The idea is that it leads to strong growth for companies in this field and, therefore, the creation of highly-skilled jobs – all of which will be a great boost to the regional economy.”
For more information or to apply for Business Ready support businessready@uwsp.co.uk or phone 024 7632 3121
Pictured: Dirk Schafer, of the University of Warwick Science Park (front, centre left) with Izzi Seccombe and Janette Pallas with mentors for the Business Ready programme.