Regional economic growth in jeopardy due to employment land shortage, according to new report

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has launched an eight-page report into the lack of provision for companies of all sizes and sectors and is writing to each council and MP across the patch to highlight the critical issue.

The report says that companies in the region are struggling to find adequate and affordable space which is holding them back from expansion. This is causing a lag in the local economy and also preventing new jobs being created.

Elsewhere, the report, which has been produced in conjunction with regional property experts who are part of the Chamber’s Employment Land Panel, says there is evidence that some inward investors are choosing to move into other regions due to lack of options in Coventry and Warwickshire.

View the report here.

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We are kicking off a nine-month campaign to highlight the need for more employment land for businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire to be able to grow.

“A huge amount of work and research has gone into producing this report. It highlights how much space is currently available, how much more is needed and why that is so important for businesses and the people in the region.

“As well as showcasing the need for more employment land, over the next nine months we’ll also be putting the spotlight on some of the incredible regeneration work that is already happening in the region and showing what a great place this is to invest.

“In my view, this is what Chambers do best and I am proud that here in Coventry and Warwickshire we are leading this critical conversation.”

For more information on the report, or to get involved in the Chamber’s campaign, contact Sean Rose, Head of Policy & Representation, on or call 024 7665 4321